Current Date:February 13, 2025

Why Bugout Bags Are Best For Emergencies

A bug out bag, also known as a 72-hour kit or grab bag, is a crucial part of your family’s emergency plan. If you are forced to evacuate at a moment’s notice, this kit will provide all the basics you need to survive until you find permanent shelter.

Important documents should be kept digitally and physically, sealed in waterproof containers. Food choices are important too; avoid MREs and opt for freeze-dried hiking/camping foods that require boiling water to prepare.


Water is essential to survival and your bugout bag should contain enough for at least 72 hours. Depending on your situation, this may be shorter or longer.

A trowel is a simple and effective tool that you can keep in your bug out bag for emergency sanitation purposes. If you’re not able to evacuate to a toilet, this will help you dig and bury your waste so that you don’t subject yourself to diseases caused by unsanitary conditions.

Hand sanitizer and wet wipes are essential bug out bag items that can be used to clean hands when soap and water are not available. This will keep you and your family from getting sick during a crisis. It’s also a good idea to include some packaged hand warmers in your bug out bag as well. These can provide warmth for a few hours and are easy to store.


In an emergency, you may lose access to your home’s food and water supply, so it is important to have a food source stashed away for emergencies. This could include canned goods, nuts and jerky. You can also add hand sanitizer and face masks to the mix to help prevent the spread of germs from person to person.

A thermal blanket helps retain body heat and stows compactly in your bugout bag. Also, add a few packets of hand warmers that contain chemicals that generate heat and are surprisingly lightweight and efficient.

A trowel allows you to dig a hole and bury your waste without breaking the surface of the ground, which is an important survival skill in a crisis. You will also want to have a few ways to make fire, including a lighter and waterproof matches. A fire steel is also a good option to have because it generates sparks in any environment.


In the event that you have to evacuate your home quickly, it is important to be able to keep warm and protect yourself from harsh weather. A bug out bag is a good place to store emergency supplies that you can use in an emergency situation, such as:

Shelter items are typically the top priority of many people creating their bug out bags because they help to maintain core body temperature and keep you from freezing. This includes things like blankets, ponchos, work gloves, and hand warmers.

You also want to make sure to include face masks, as they can be helpful in preventing the spread of germs from person to person. Another good thing to add is body wipes, which can be used to keep you clean when water is scarce. Lastly, don’t forget a multi-tool that has pliers, a wrench, and a screwdriver.


A bugout bag is a portable emergency kit that should contain everything you need to survive for 72 hours or more in an emergency. Also known as a 72-hour kit, grab bag or go bag, it’s a key part of any emergency preparedness plan.

Work gloves are a vital tool for any bugout bag, as they can help protect you from dangerous materials and keep your hands warm. They’re lightweight and stow away easily. Packaged hand warmers are another great addition to any bugout bag, as they can provide heat for up to eight hours.

It’s important to include at least three ways to make fire in your bug out bag, such as lighters, waterproof matches and a flint striker. You should also pack tinder, such as cotton balls soaked in petroleum jelly or dry leaves. You may also want to include a multipurpose knife with a can opener and screwdriver.

First Aid

A bugout bag is designed to provide the essentials for survival if you have to leave your home in the event of an emergency. It can include first aid items and a few supplies that can help you survive for a few days away from your home until you’re able to find permanent shelter or reach someone who can help you.

Wearable items like ponchos, work gloves and hand warmers can help you preserve your body heat so that you’re not as exposed to the cold. Sleeping bags should also be included in the bugout bag so that you have a comfortable place to rest if you’re forced to spend the night outdoors.

It’s important to have fire starter kits as well in the bag, since you can’t survive without a source of heat. You may also want to consider having some face masks in the bag as well.


When a disaster strikes, people will have to leave their homes quickly. This is why bugout bags are a must. They are emergency kits that contain everything you need to survive for 72 hours away from home. They can be used for mandatory or voluntary evacuations.

When packing your bug out bag, make sure to include items that will help you communicate with other people. You should also pack a map and compass so that you can navigate your way around. Moreover, you should pack headlamps or flashlights for lighting. This will free up your hands so that you can perform other tasks.

Another important item for your bug out bag is a radio. This will allow you to stay in touch with loved ones and receive critical information from authorities. Lastly, it is important to pack thermal blankets and hand warmers to keep you warm
